Certified Employees » License Renewal & Advancement Assistance

License Renewal & Advancement Assistance

Tennessee Educators may renew their license in the expiration year only.  Example: If your license expires on 8/31/2019, you must wait until 9/1/18 to renew.
Renewal Steps:
  1. Log into your TNCompass Account here.
  2. Click on "My Educator Profile".
  3. Click on the "Licensure" Tab and review to determine how many PDPs you currently have (see note below).
  4. Click on the "Transactions" Tab.
  5. Choose Renewal on the appropriate license and follow the steps to complete.
*Note*  You must have 60 PDPs to renew your license. PDPs can be earned several ways, including:
  • Evaluation Scores (LOE Score of 5 = 20 pts, LOE Score of 4 = 15pts, and LOE Score of 3 = 10 pts)
  • Professional Development: Earn 1pt per hour of professional development training (must be a training considered to improve educator effectiveness. Annual employment and safety trainings do not qualify).
  • In order for PDP to be earned, the activity must have occurred within the validity period of the current license.
  • For more information on how you can earn PDPs, click here.
Tennessee Educators with at least 3 years of experience may advance their Practitioner License to a Professional License.  Professional licenses are valid for 6 years.
Licenses may be advanced with or without Director approval.  To advance without Director approval, an Educator must have 30 PDPs.  
Advancement Steps (with PDPs):
  1. Log into your TNCompass Account here.
  2. Click on "My Educator Profile"
  3. Click on the "Licensure" Tab and review to determine how many PDPs you currently have (see note above)
  4. Click on the "Transactions" Tab
  5. Choose "Advance an Active License" and follow the steps to complete.
Advancement Steps (without PDPs):
  • Follow the steps above and inform the HR or Director's Office that you are wishing to Advance with a Director's Approval instead of using PDPs.
If at any time you need assistance with your license or have questions, please contact the HR Office at 787-8008.