Alternative Success Academy » George Clem Alternative Success Academy

George Clem Alternative Success Academy

Mission Statement
The mission of the Alternative Success Academy is to provide an opportunity for students to earn admission back into the regular school setting and, instead of suspension or expulsion, the continuation of academic course work for graduation and future success. 
  1.  To provide students with successful educational experiences
  2.  To teach students to become responsible for their own actions
  3.  To help students learn respect and get along well with others
  4.  To build self-esteem and self-discipline 
Regular School Day: 7:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Arrival: No earlier than 7:45 a.m.
Departure: No later than 2:15 p.m. 
Overriding Statements
  1. We will maintain a safe, orderly learning environment. Any student that breaks the school rules is subject to expulsion from the George Clem Alternative Success Academy. 
  2. The staff will enforce every rule in the handbook and are very strict in what Greeneville City Schools might consider minor rule violations. At the Alternative Success Academy, all rules are important. 
  3. The George Clem Alternative Success Academy should be viewed as a second chance for your child. Attendance at the Alternative Success Academy is a privilege, not a right and students may lose that privilege if they break school rules. 
  4. Placement at the Alternative Success Academy means your child has been remanded from his/her zoned schools due to either disruptive/defiant behavior or for zero-tolerance behavior. In either case, the Alternative Success Academy is the last public school option for your child at this time. 
  5. The Alternative Success Academy will not tolerate unruly behavior while the student is in attendance. 
  6. contained within the handbook are the rules, regulations, and other general information you and your child need to know. Your child will be held responsible and accountable for all material within the handbook.
  7. We will do our best to provide a safe, secure, and structured environment; however, we will not tolerate disruptive or defiant behavior within the academy.